Working Papers Series \ Growth and Employment in Europe Sustainability and Competitiveness - 2005

Commendatore, Pasquale and Kubin, Ingrid (2005) Dynamic effects of regulation and deregulation in goods and labour markets. Working Papers Series "Growth and Employment in Europe: Sustainability and Competitiveness", 49. Inst. für Volkswirtschaftstheorie und -politik, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business

Onaran, Özlem (2005) Distribution and globalization. A wage bargaining model.. Working Papers Series "Growth and Employment in Europe: Sustainability and Competitiveness", 48. Inst. für Volkswirtschaftstheorie und -politik, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business

Walther, Herbert (2005) Optimal taxation of gambling and lotto. Working Papers Series "Growth and Employment in Europe: Sustainability and Competitiveness", 47. Inst. für Volkswirtschaftstheorie und -politik, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business

Hölzl, Werner (2005) The evolutionary theory of the firm. Routines, complexity and change.. Working Papers Series "Growth and Employment in Europe: Sustainability and Competitiveness", 46. Inst. für Volkswirtschaftstheorie und -politik, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business

Stockhammer, Engelbert (2005) Arbeitsmarktrigiditäten oder Nachfragemangel? Die Ursachen der Arbeitslosigkeit in Europa.. Working Papers Series "Growth and Employment in Europe: Sustainability and Competitiveness", 45. Inst. für Volkswirtschaftstheorie und -politik, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business

Onaran, Özlem and Stockhammer, Engelbert (2005) Do profits affect investment and employment? An empirical test based on the Bhaduri-Marglin model.. Working Papers Series "Growth and Employment in Europe: Sustainability and Competitiveness", 44. Inst. für Volkswirtschaftstheorie und -politik, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business